Monday, February 11, 2008

We're in Germany!

If the truth must be known, Susan, my eldest daughter is posing as me for this post and the last two. She has created this blog while my husband Henry and I were visiting her younger sister Wanda in Germany. Wanda has a blog too...Susan created it as well. Wanda took over the maintenance of her blog and posted about our visit here.


Susan Lenz said...

Hope you are all having fun!
Susan and Steve

Anonymous said...

Hi Mom & Dad! Are you going to take over your blog too? Erica


WOW....Nice need to update it...but look who's talking (I'm so behind I'm almost in front)!

Susan Lenz said...

Hi Mom!
I see you are now signing your comments using the nice, provided, wedding day photo! Great! This means you can now figure out how to update your blog!
#1 Go to your blog. It is
#2 Click on the words "Sign In" in the upper right hand corner of your computer screen
#3 Put the same USER NAME and PASSWORD into the provided spots.
#4 Click on NEW POST
#5 You will now be looking at a screen that looks an awful lot like how you write an email message. Fill it in. Click PUBLISH at the's a big orange button.
We'll all waiting!